Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

About SMP Negeri 1 Denpasar

Gue lagi pengen ngepost tentang SMP Negeri 1 Denpasar, yaitu SMP gue. Soalnya gue sekarang udah  SMA dan lagi bentar udah mau lulus. Sekalian mengenang masa-masa SMP, makanya gue buat posting ini. Selain itu, karena dulu gue dapat kelas SBI (sekolah bertaraf International), jadi gue akan pakai bahasa Inggris *pamer sedikit.

State Junior High School 1 Denpasar/Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 1 Denpasar (SMP Negeri 1 Denpasar) or in "cool" language called Spensa, it is one of the famous school in Denpasar, Bali that wants to go international. Its located in Jalan Surapati no. 2 Denpasar, its phone number is (0361) 224508, and its email is info@smpn1-dps.net. Its not familiar many student achievers from various primary schools in Bali  enrolled there. Now SMP 1 Denpasar is dedicated as RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) and soon will be SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional). It said if SMP 1 Denpasar dedicate to SBI, it will be move to somewhere in Lumintang.

SMP 1 Denpasar was build in Dutch Age with unknown date, month and year. It is a mystery to all people, so SMP 1 Denpasar is one and only school in Bali that doesn't have any anniversary. But, SMP 1 Denpasar is still the best school in Denpasar, it gots many championships in many competitions in junior high school level, district, provincial even national levels, so with this achivement SMP 1 Denpasar got A accreditation. Not just that, it also has great facilities like Biology lab, Physic lab, Library, UKS (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah), Language lab, Guidance Counseling and 2 Computer Labs.

There are 22 classrooms in SMP 1 Denpasar, each classroom got AC (Air Conditioner), LCD, Television and CCTV. This will help the students to study more comfortable and with these good qualities of teaching can make good qualities of students in the future. Because there are enaough facilities, the teachers and the students started to apply e-learning since 2003.  SMP 1 Denpasar has a great Information and Communication Education (ICT), there are 3 hotspot in SMP 1 Denpasar, now its bandwith is about 512 Kbps and plan will reach 2 Mbps. Teachers and students are getting used to do file sharing via the Internet in teaching and learning. That is amazing, cause with this internet facilities the students can find many information for their studies easier. Also SMP Negeri 1 Denpasar is supported by thew Cyberschool in Denpasar for internet connection and the school community. 

Now SMP 1 Denpasar is cooperating with an international school named Anglo Chinese School (ACS) where the teachers and staff employees begin by conducting comparative studies in this school. Usually before the graduation of the 9th grade in SMP 1 Denpasar, there is test from ACS to the 9th grade students to get a scholarship in ACS if they pass the test. Also SMP 1 Denpasar is cooperating with British Council and has held visiting from the UK by Oxford Community School. SMP 1 Denpasar has many great extracurricular activities those are:

1. Biology club
2. Physic club
3. Math Club
4. Jurnalistic
5. English club
6. Chess club
7. Pencak silat/Taekwondo
8. Football club
9. Drama club
10. Swimming
11. Singing
12. Scout
13. PMR (Palang Merah Ramaja)
14. KSPAN (Kelompok Siswa Peduli Aids dan Narkoba)
15. Bali dance 
16. Balinesse writting
17. Yoga
18. Tabuh
19. Painting
20. Music instruments and many more

Thi is SMP 1 Denpasar's logo:

Vision of SMP 1 Denpasar:
1. Unggul dalam mutu
2. Berdaya saing
3. Beriman
4. Bertakwa

1. Superior in quality
2. Competitive
3. Faithful
4. Cautious

Mision of SMP 1 Denpasar:
1. Terwujudnya standar kompetensi lulusan yang bertaraf internasional.
2. Terwujudnya pengembangan kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan bertaraf internasional.
3. Terwujudnya proses belajar mengajar yang bertaraf internasional.
4. Tersedianya tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan yang memiliki kompetensi dan kualifikasi.
5. Terpenuhinya sarana dan fasilitas pendidikan yang bertaraf internasional.
6. Terwujudnya manajemen sekolah yang bertaraf internasional.
7. Tercapainya pembiayaan untuk memenuhi standar biaya sekolah bertaraf internasional.
8. Terwujudnya sistem penilaian pendidikan yang bertaraf internasional.
9. Pengembangan budaya dan lingkungan kondusif mendukung sekolah bertaraf internasional.

1. Achieving the competency standards of international graduates.
2. Achieving the level of curriculum development in international education unit.
3. The realization process of learning and teaching with international standards.
4. Availability of educators and educational competencies and qualifications.
5. Fulfillment of educational facilities of international standard.
6. Achieving an international management school.
7. Financing the achievement of school fees to meet international standards.
8. The realization of educational assessment system with international standards.
9. Development of culture and environment conducive to supporting the international school.

more info, please visit: http://smpn1.cyberschooldps.net
I think that's all...

Jadi bagi anda yang tinggal di Bali terutama di Denpasar, sebaiknya bersekolah disini. Karena kualitas pendidikannya udah terbukti menghasilkan pelajar yang berkualitas, seperti gue. Disana juga banyak kegiatan seru kayak lomba band, lomba HUT RI, pentas kesenian (pagelaran) dan masih banyak lagi. Pokoknya gak bakal nyesel masuk kesini.

Karena termasuk SMP terbaik di Bali, maka saingan buat masuk kesana cukup berat. Gue bakal kasih sedikit rahasia:
- Untuk bisa mengikuti TPA (Tes Potensi Akademik), minimal nilai rapot dari SD kelas 3 sampai kelas 6 itu di atas 7,5
- Ada 2 jalur untuk bisa masuk, yaitu melalui tes dan prestasi
- Untuk jalur tes, akan dipilih sekitar 300an murid
- Tes yang akan dilakukan adalah Tes, IQ, MIPA (Matematika, IPA), Bhs. Indonesia, Bhs. Inggris
Carilah ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya!

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