Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Software Gratis Alternatif Penganti WinRAR dan WinZIP

Kali ini gue mau bagi-bagi info mengenai Software Alternatif pengganti WinRAR/WinZIP. Jadi ini beberapa software alternatifnya yang cukup terkenal dan banyak digunakan:

1. 7-Zip

Tinggi rasio kompresi dalam format 7z dengan kompresi LZMA dan format LZMA2 didukung:
- Packing / unpacking: 7z, XZ, bzip2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP dan WIM
- Membuka saja: ARJ, CAB, CHM, cpio, cramfs, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH,
- lzma, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, squashfs, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR dan Z.
- Untuk format ZIP dan GZIP, 7-Zip menyediakan rasio kompresi yang 2-10% lebih baik dari rasio yang disediakan oleh PKZip dan WinZip
- Kuat enkripsi AES-256 dalam format 7z dan ZIP
- Self-extracting kemampuan untuk format 7z
- Integrasi dengan Windows Shell
- Powerfull File Manager
- versi baris perintah Powerfull
- Plugin untuk FAR Manager
- lokalisasi untuk 79 bahasa

Download 7-Zip:

2. IzArc

- Create an archive
- Add files to an existing archive
- Delete files from an existing archive
- Extract files from an existing archive
- Test an archive file
- Convert archive
- Convert CD Images
- Repair broken archive
- Searching for any files in many archives
- Favorite Folders
- Obtaining a detailed list of files and information like compression rate, path, or size from an archive file
- Supports both long and short 8.3 filenames
- Disk spanning from and to multiple diskettes or other removable media
- Implementing the possibility to sort the list items by name size, date and etc.
- Full Drag & Drop support
- CD/DVD Images support (ISO, BIN, MDF, NRG, IMG, C2D, PDI, CDI)
- Integrating in Windows Explorer context menu
- Automatic installation of most software distributed in archive files
- Add/View comments in an archive
- By double-clicking onto a file in the file list, it's opened with the program associated to this file type
- CheckOut feature
- Create a self-extracting archive
- E-mail an archive
- Checking for new updates
- Build-in multilanguage support
- Virus Scan feature
- UU/XX/MIME Encode/Decode
- Create Multi-Volume Set
- Merge Multi-Volume Set
- UnSFX (Convert self-extracting (SFX) .EXE files to standard archives)
- Encrypt files using Rijandael - AES (256-bits) encryption
- Zip encryption (WinZip 9 compatible)
- BZip compression for ZIP archives

- Decrypt (.ize) files
- Support the following archive: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CDI, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MDF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XPI, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO

Download IzArc:

3. PeaZip

- Membuat 7z, ARC, bz2, gz, * PAQ, PEA, QUAD / BALZ, TAR, UPX, ZIP

- Extract 129 jenis arsip: 7z, bz, bz2, bzip2, tbz2, tbz, gz, gzip, tgz, tpz, tar, zip, z01, smzip, arj, taksi, chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, menyalakan, cpio, deb, LZH, lha, rar, r01, 00, rpm, z, Taz, tz, iso, jar, telinga, perang, lha, hewan peliharaan, anjing, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, Wim, u3p, lzma86, LZMA, UDF, xar, dmg, HFS, part1, split, AAT, tpz, kmz, xz, txz, VHD, mslz, apm, mbr, lemak, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, MSI, MSP, ods, OTS, ODM, uanya, oxt, ODB, ODF, odg, OTG, odp, otp, odt, Ott, gnm, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, panci, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx, swf, flv, quad, balz, zpaq, paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace, arc, WRC, 001, kacang, CBZ, cbr, CBA, cb7, CBT (dan lebih ...)

- PeaZip memungkinkan untuk membuat: mengkonversi dan ekstrak arsip sekaligus, membuat arsip self-extracting, arsip bookmark dan folder; menerapkan penyaring kuat multiple search untuk konten arsip itu, ekspor definisi pekerjaan sebagai baris perintah, menyimpan layout arsip itu, scan dan terbuka dengan adat aplikasi terkompresi dan file terkompresi dll

- Fitur lainnya: enkripsi yang kuat, file salinan kuat, split / join file (span file), mengamankan data penghapusan, membandingkan, checksum dan hash file, benchmark sistem, menghasilkan password acak dan keyfiles.

Download PeaZip